What do Architects read in the Bathroom? The Hippest Winery in Ensenada Mexico!
Our bathroom is just full of Architecture Magazines….. Rob reads them from cover to cover. He has always said that he doesn’t understand the need to require Architects to track their continuing education. A good architect just does- keeping pace with the marketplace related to the services he provides.
I am a picture browser. I flip through and certain images catch my attention. I rely on Rob to read all about it – but my visual memory can always recall an article when a topic arises. It’s amazing how much I do internalize by just picture browsing.
Flipping through ArchDaily, a trade publication, both of our attention was drawn to a winery in Ensenada Mexico under an upside down boat, complete with a small lake, a decorative floating boat enhanced by some outdoor seating. As always I looked at the amazing pictures – but Rob read the article to learn about the Vena Cava Winery Architecture that was what had landed them in the global publication – AND on National Public Radio.

Winery in Ensenada, Mexico Made from Recycled Materials
Vena Cava Winery is constructed of reclaimed materials gathered from local factories, junk yards, demolition sites, and the port. The primary reclaimed material is old boats discarded by the port authority. The Architect excavated into the site and the covered the excavations with boats (some quite large) turned upside down – ie: the bottom of the boat is the roof! The boats are used, according to the architect, in the style of the old churches who were in turn built like boats. Another, UNUSUAL, reclaimed material are the many circles of glass that are rejects from a local eye glasses manufacturer. Ceilings are “dotted” with light from the lenses recessed into the ceiling/roof like tiny skylights and there is even an entire “door” made from these circles of glass.
Enjoy the video – the beautiful gal we met runs the tasting room and also teaches YOGA at the hotel! I am sure we will return there some day…. One of the best parts of cruising is that it is a perfect way to shop for those special places…..
Architect Rob says that the plan of the building DOES resemble a Church! The building was located in the same manner as Monte Alban, chose Teotihuacan – by “reading” the landscape with the stars. This provides a functionality of building and equipment that has access to the site, winds, and crops. The walls of the excavations were left exposed as a way to naturally control the temperature. While reuse of materials makes for a beautiful building, it is more about retaining the original soul of the object. Step inside and you can feel it wrap itself around you.
Can you believe that we were already booked on a cruise out of the Port of Long Beach that would stop at Ensenada the following month!
Isn’t it funny how life takes us exactly where we want to go? When we arrived we simply asked a cab driver to take us there from the Cruise Ship Port. We showed him a card with the name and address of the winery on it! He had to get permission to take us to a special place but it was easy. His English was GREAT! The rest of the day was spent at wineries that he already knew about! Let us help you do a winery tour too – just book any Cruise voyage that stops in Ensenada at our Travel Website – then give us a call! www.BellesWorldTravel.com
Looking across the Lake
Project Architect for the Winery in Ensenada, Mexico Alejandro D’Acosta Lopez says:
“This project is an exercise in recycling but it’s a project that works with the landscape, using waste to mimic the building with the environment, based on these ideas began playing and they took a step even in constant development, viticulture dare of marine debris. This did pose a way to bring the sea to the valley, the culture of the border, “Yonke culture” in which garbage and other wastes are combined with the landscape, to people in the community there is no difference between the Garbage and the natural environment, the two are in the collective memory.”
This Region of Mexico near the United States Border is working really hard to come back from the drug war terrorism! I found this really cool video made by some guys that are giving Food and Wine tours out of the San Diego California area!! Their venture is called: Lets Go Clandestino! Definitely worth a watch and our Vena Cava winery is in it too! According to American Chef Drew Deckman the Valle Region is one of the coolest most progressive food, wine and beer places in the world that nobody knows about! This is where it’s happening man!”
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