This is an architecturally condensed post. For the Penguin experience head on over to our travel blog

This group is just hanging out molting. Visit our other site for videos and close ups!

When we got back from the Penguin Rookery we did a self guided architectural tour of the town. Rob had brought a map that he found online, but we didn't need it. The town was only about six blocks long. (okay I exagerate but it was a small town)
The Architecture of Port Stanley - Falkland Islands
Shown below is the Historic Jubilee Villas of 1887 - Commemorating Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee.

Every picture tells a story don't it? "Rod Stewart"
That's why this post is mostly pics!

There were lots of metal roofs because they are wind proof and durable. Do you know where these islands are? If not check out a Google Map! It was summer here on this blustery day in February.

One skylight must have added natural lighting to the attic or hallway.

Super Cute! - Agree?

We took a trek through the gift shop in the middle building. It was nice and warm in there.

We found a stuffed Macaroni Penguin for our Grandson!

Inside the Christ Church Cathedral they were honoring the men who fought in the war in 1982 to re-sieze control of the island from the Argentinians. Something about that doesn't sit right with me. In a church? Really? I know churches believe in war and that bothers me.

In memory of
The Officers and Men
Her Majesty's Armed Forces and the Merchant Service
Who Gave Their Lives for the
Freedom of these Islands
The way I understand it the islands were free and are free before and after the war. But this is how Great Britain justifies theft of occupation. Honor the men sent to do the deed in the church! That makes it honorable.

St. Mary's Catholic Church was cute. When you live on any island, anywhere, sometimes you just can't get exactly what you need.... like the right lightbulb for your fixture.

We walked along looking up and down the cross streets.

If you looked left up this street you would see that the town is but 3 blocks wide.

This was originally someone's house, but then used for a time as a boarding house for children that came from remote areas of the island to attend school in Port Stanley. Now closed.

Whale Bone Arch - Arch created in 1933 from two whale jawbones to commemorate 100 years of British administration.

A Pivot Hinge mounted in the floor displays a patent - interesting.

There was a place similar to Midway Village in Rockford, called the "Historic Dock Yards" where there is grafitti from sailors in the 1880s.

We stepped into a very familiar looking and smelling printshop. (My father was in the printing business)

Inside this building there was an exhibit of it's construction. Yep those are real 2X's!

How about these footings? I can see one, maybe...

Renovation Time! Check out the sleepers for the future metal roof on the small building beyond.

We notice and talk about the strangest things. Downspouts? Plumbing Pipe? Storm water and sewage go to the same place? Sure looks like it.

You always have to stop and ponder where on earth you are...

Appreciate the cobbled together stone and brick exteior.

We stopped in a shop for a coffee, and some fudge. Every tourist destination has fudge.
Flora and Fauna of Port Stanley
I never neglect to appreciate the flora and fauna!

Remember it gets VERY cold here.

To my surprise most of the plants were unique.

Meaning I could not identify them.

Except there - is some Allyssum!

If you know the names of things please put them in the comments!

Above looks like some variety of Japonica.

This plant above I have never seen before but it's really cool! Looks like it was about to bloom!

Which is your favorite?

And then JUST LIKE THAT - we sailed away on the Celebrity Infinity - headed for Puerto Madryn Argentina.
In case you're wondering how we budget for these fabulous vacations (NO we do not get them free). I want to share with you that WE DON'T budget either. Since cruise travel is important to us, 6% of our income is automatically put in a separate account called "Travel". And that's it. When there is money in the account - we book a trip! During Covid the account kept growing and we couldn't go anywhere so this was the more expensive reward!
IT'S SIMPLE! - TRY IT! We love traveling while we are young! And it's a nice break between jobs.
Don't forget to visit our other website Travel Like an Architectâ„¢ for our Penguin experience in the countryside earlier on this wonderful day!

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